在星空之下 Under the Starry Sky
戴安娜・蓋伊Dyana GAYE
2014 法國昂熱電影節最佳法語片評審團大獎
2013 多倫多國際影展當代世界電影單元正式入圍
冬季已過,十九歲的提耶賀諾與母親首次踏上非洲的土地,回到故鄉達卡出席父親的喪禮。同在達卡的天空下,二十四歲的蘇菲選擇離開,前往杜林與丈夫阿貝杜勒團聚。與此同時,阿貝杜勒卻正帶著非法移民的表弟抵達紐約 。隨著時間不斷向前推進,三個緊密相連的命運,終於在點點繁星的夜空下相逢。
Between Turin, Dakar, and New York, Sophie, Abdoulaye and Thierno’s three destinies cross paths and echo one another, delineating a constellation of exile. Sophie, 24 years old, leaves Dakar to join her husband, Abdoulaye, in Turin. Meanwhile, Abdoulaye has already left for New York through a smuggler’s network. 19-year-old Thierno is traveling in Africa for the first time. With these three characters’ destinies, Under the Starry Sky takes us on a journey through the diversity of the cities the characters travel to, confronting us with the realities, hopes, and dreams of contemporary emigration.
台北華山 1 廳 10/19(三)10:30
台北華山 1 廳 10/22(六)12:50 ☆