愛琴海:死亡之口 The Aegean or the Anus of Death
葉萊妮・裘蒂Eleni GIOTI
一名奇怪男子出現在雅典曾傳出移民受攻擊的五個地點。身穿救生衣的他在給予誰逃生指示?又試圖從愛琴海的死亡之口中拯救誰?自二十世紀來,有兩萬三千難民遷移至西歐鄰近國。許多人在鋌而走險的過程中喪命,或是在當地受到暴力對待。導演從詩人賈拉・卡里(Jazra Khaleed) 的同名詩作延伸,描述近代新移民浪潮下的一首難民遷徙曲。
Since 2000 more than 23,000 war refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants from Africa, the Middle East and beyond –– have lost their lives while trying to cross the borders to Europe. Hundreds of them have drowned in the Aegean Sea. More often than not, migrants are pushed back to Turkey by the border guards; their inflatable boats are rammed, knifed, and often capsized. Jazra Khaleed poetry assault is set at five locations in Athens where racist attacks have been reported during the last three years. A film-poem jabbing at the current spread of ordinary fascism in Greece.
台北華山 1 廳 10/14(五)15:30 ★◎
台北華山 1 廳 10/17(一)11:20