邊境野餐 Pic-Nic
蓋碧艾拉・蒙瑞Gabriela MONROY
The freedom of the West ends at the heavily guarded Mexican border. The Mexican and American governments produce TV ads and internet clips designed to deter Mexicans from even attempting to cross the border and to raise awareness of the dangers that are involved if they do. Gabriela Monroy, a Mexican resident in the USA, in turn produces anti-clips: this film captures in a single shot that the entire tragedy implicit in this situation for so many people. The massive, inhumane fence, clearly reminiscent of Germany’s former internal border, is a potent reminder also of Reagan’s plea in 1987: “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
台北華山 1 廳 10/14(五)13:10
台北華山 1 廳 10/23(日)21:10