慕尼黑-德黑蘭連線中 Munich-Tehran
娜葛・開洛Narges Shaid KALHOR
2011│德國 Germany│紀錄片Documentary│B&W│DCP│19min
2012 德國科隆影展
Leaving her home in Tehran to Munich, Narges Kalhor is like all the others, often on video chatting with her families and friends back home. Through the small screen, It seems like Narges hasn’t missed much of her old life. But with the on-and-off network signal, frozen pictures and constantly noisy, Narges’s anxiety rises up as time goes by… The director had captured and shown directly the exact visual of video-chatting screen, leading us to identify the feeling of fragility and frustration as well as a heavy nostalgia.
台北華山 1 廳 10/14(五)11:00
台北華山 1 廳 10/17(一)21:40