缺耳朵的人 The Deaf
徐安妮、房星余 HSU An-Ni, FANG Sing-Yu
2015│台灣 Taiwan│動畫片 Animation│Color│HDcam│7min
2016 聖彼得堡短片影展競賽單元
2016 金穗獎
今天是M的畢業典禮,為了成為像梵谷一樣知名的藝術家, 他在禮堂割下自己的左耳。隨之而來,是從未受過的讚美與掌聲, 他也如願戴上神聖的學士帽,但是一切真的能夠如他想像如此單純與順利嗎?牆上詭異的畫像與神秘的怪手,所有一切都警告著背後可怕的陰謀。
It was the graduation day of M. To become as famous as Van Gogh, M followed his step by cutting his left ear off in the auditorium. As soon as he worn a mortarboard and completed the ceremony, a huge hand showed up and took him out of the auditorium. Would everything go well as he expected?
台北華山 2 廳 10/18(二) 16:10 ★
台北華山 2 廳 10/23(日) 13:00