監視海岸線 Monitoring Seaborders
蘇珊娜・薰伯格Susanna SCHOENBERG
2015│德國Germany │實驗紀錄片Experimental Documentary│Color│DCP│9min
領海的定義有著相當明確的規範,但事實上,邊界只有在被跨越的時候才真實。此片導演使用通訊畫面和錄下的聲音, 同時播放地中海屬西班牙海巡署的巡邏隊(隸屬歐盟管轄)現場及控制室的兩個頻道畫面,忠實呈現官方以及非官方記錄下,對跨越地中海難民的處置。在新一波的移民浪潮中,是強而有力卻也悲傷的另類紀實。
By definition, a “border” is real when it is crossed. The external borders of the European Union are controlled by a complex system consisting of visualization equipment, automated installations and communication devices. Monitoring Sea borders is a 2 channels video-installation of variable size. Subject of the footage is the monitoring of the Eastern Mediterranean sea border acted by the Spanish Guardia Civil in cooperation with the European Agency Frontex. Officials discuss off-screen movement of refugees. A sober, exceptionally forceful commentary on the current wave of migration.
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