I Don't Belong Anywhere - Le Cinéma de Chantal Akerman
瑪麗安・蘭伯特 Marianne Lambert
2015│法國、比利時 France/Belgium│紀錄片 Documentary│Color│DCP│68min
2015 加拿大蒙特婁紀錄片影展
2015 瑞士盧卡諾影展
2016 歐洲電影節
Shooting one year before Chantal Akerman’s death, Marianne Lambert explores the deeply personal body of Chantal’s work through extensive interviews and excerpts from many films made throughout Akerman's career, including what would be Chantal Akerman's last film, No Home Movie (2015). From Brussels to Tel Aviv, from Paris to New York, the documentary takes us to all of the places Chantal Akerman visited on her travels. Along her journey, the film unfolds the origins of her film language, aesthetic stance and her cinematographic journey, which continually questions the meaning of her existence at the risk of not winning the audience over or of confronting it.
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