他方總是更好 But Elsewhere Is Always Better
薇薇安・奧斯特羅夫斯基Vivian OSTROVSKY
2016│美國 USA│紀錄片、實驗片 Documentary/Experimental│Color、B&W│DCP│4min
本片導演在1970年代遇見了非常年輕、卻已開創出實驗電影新語言的香妲・艾克曼,此後兩人展開長達四十年的友誼。在這部短片中,導演將自己多年來用超 8 攝影機記錄下的香妲身影、 一起經歷的人事物,和香妲的電影片段剪接在一起,來悼念已不在人世的好友,四十年的友誼也在此濃縮成四分鐘的影像。
Vivian Ostrovsky met Chantal Akerman in the early 1970s and they had been friends since then. For this film, Ostrovsky decided to mix some excerpts of Chantal’s films with her own super 8 footages that illustrate Chantal’s personality. The film seeks to blend lightness and darkness, open spaces with enclosed ones and places familiar to both filmmakers. This letter that Chantal never received condenses forty years of friendship into four minutes of film.
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