


S&M Sally 《潔米的五十道陰影》導演  蜜雪兒.艾倫Michelle EHLEN


Q1: Could you recommend one reason why they should go to Women Make Waves Film Festival 2015 for S&M Sally and definitely can't miss this time?
: 請舉出一個必看理由為什麼要來2015女性影展看《潔米的五十道陰影》?

A: While I love Butch Jamie and Heterosexual Jill, S&M Sally is my personal favorite of the series - it's funny and unique, but also explores personal relationship issues that most couples experience such as insecurities, authenticity, and power dynamics, but in a fun new way that we seldom see on screen.
: 雖然我也很喜歡自己的兩部前作《熊T潔米》跟《異女拉警報》,但這部片是我個人在這系列作品中的最愛。它既幽默而獨特,以一種在大銀幕上很少見的詼諧手法,探討情侶之間多半都經歷過的問題,像是不安全感、信任感、以及兩人間的權力流動關係等等。

Q2: What is the difference for you, Jill and Jamie between 2015 S&M Sally, 2007 Butch Jamie and 2013 Heterosexual Jill?
: 對你自己、以及潔米、吉兒這兩個角色來說,你覺得你們在《熊T潔米》、《異女拉警報》、《潔米的五十道陰影》這三部片中的差異是?

A: I call Butch Jamie a satire on gender, Heterosexual Jill a satire about sexuality, and S&M Sally a satire on relationships. Even though they have returning characters and the same comedic style, they each tackle their own themes and ideas. In this installment in particular, I think it takes a more personal and nuanced look at sexual and relationship identities.

: 我認為《熊T潔米》是一部關於性別的諷刺劇,而《異女拉警報》、《潔米的五十道陰影》則分別是探討性向及情感關係的諷刺作品。雖然這三部片有著共同的主角,也都維持一貫的喜劇基調,但它們有各自的核心議題和概念要傳達。尤其是《潔米的五十道陰影》,它從更私密幽微的角度來談性別/性向認同,以及在一段感情中(包含性關係中),各人所扮演的角色。

Q3: Could we expect next episode for Jamie &Jill? Could you tell us more about your new project that you are working on?
: 有可能會再拍潔米跟吉兒的續集嗎?能不能跟我們多分享一下你現正籌劃中的新作品?

A: I'm not sure yet if there will be another episode for Jamie and Jill. I have some ideas but also would like to explore other characters and genres. My next idea I'm starting to write is a more dramatic story about love and loss - it's quite different, but I look forward to the challenge in taking on something new.



Q4: Would you identify yourself as queer or female filmmaker? Is there any difficulty you face for shooting independent film about queer community in U.S.A?

: 你如何定義自己的身分?你會說自己是一個酷兒,或是女性影像工作者嗎?在你拍攝以美國酷兒社群為主題的獨立電影時,有碰過什麼樣的困難或挑戰?

 A: I identify as a queer filmmaker and my queer identity is important for me to incorporate into the work that I do. I think the main challenge for any independent filmmaker in the U.S. is finding money for productions.  I'm told that lesbians unfortunately don't support lesbian films the way gay men support gay films, even though many lesbians complain there aren't enough lesbian films to see.  I think a simple solution is lesbians being aware of the problem so they can help by contributing to crowdfunding campaigns or buying the films after release.  Wolfe On Demand has a great worldwide platform for LGBT films, and people can also rent my other films worldwide through my site

我認為自己是個酷兒電影工作者,而我的酷兒身分也深深地影響了我的創作。我認為對於任何一個美國獨立電影工作者來說,籌資都是最大的難題。很不幸地,相對於男同志對男同片的愛戴,女同志似乎並不那麼支持自己所屬群體的電影作品(雖然也有很多拉子們總抱怨說拉子片太少了) 我想一個簡單的解決方式是: 希望拉拉們能注意到這個問題,進而透過群眾募資支持我們的創作,或是多多進戲院看女同電影。另外像Wolfe On Demand,一個很棒的線上電影平台,也可以看到很多LGBT的作品,當然你們也可以在我的網站上(租我的作品來看!


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