革命.饒舌.撒哈拉Life is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara
李雅拉Iara LEE
2015︱西撒哈拉、美國Western Sahara & USA︱紀錄片Documentary︱Color︱DCP︱59min
本片以難得一見的多元與活潑形式,探討嚴肅的政治議題。西撒哈拉是歐洲勢力在非洲大陸留下的最後一塊殖民地;在西班牙於1975年退出後,該地區卻被摩洛哥、茅列塔尼亞瓜分,並進行高壓統治,直至今日。許多族人因此流亡至歐美,持續抗爭,尋求國家主權的獨立與自由。近年來,年輕世代崛起,用嘻哈、繪畫和電影進行非暴力抗爭,而這個傳統源於傳奇女歌手瑪麗安哈桑(Mariem HASSAN),她藉由哭腔式哀歌,傳達撒哈拉族人面對壓迫的悲傷與抗爭的勇氣。
In 1975, people of Western Sahara were promised freedom by departing Spanish rulers. 40 years later, it remains Africa’s last colony. This film chronicles the everyday violence experienced by Sahrawis living under Moroccan occupation. In spite of this dangerous environment, a new movement, with youth at its center, is rising to challenge human rights abuses and to demand the long-promised referendum on freedom. These are the aspiring voices of a desert people for whom the era of colonialism never ended.
幕迷影評-沙漠中的一千朵玫瑰─ 革命‧饒舌‧撒哈拉
10/13 (二)16:40 1廳
10/16 (五)12:50 2廳
10/18 (日)14:00 2廳