《90分鐘 90 Minutes》
伊娃.索爾豪格Eva SORHAUG
2012|挪威Norway|劇情片Fiction|Color|DCP|90 min
What happens in the last 90 minutes of a human life before they commit a crime? In 90 Minutes we follow Johan who is making a luxurious last supper for his wife, Fred who is on his weekly visit with the kids and Trond who completely has lost control of his use of violence towards his young wife who just gave birth to a child… Based on real cases, director and script writer Eva Sorhaug’s boldest fiction in accusing gender violence.
10/12(六)21:30 華山光點1廳★、10/15(二)16:30 華山光點1廳、10/19(六)19:30 1廳