《粉紅鬥士:桑帕特帕爾 Gulabi Gang》
妮沙.珍Nishtha JAIN
2012|挪威、印度、丹麥Norway, India, Denmark|紀錄片Documentary|Color|BD|96 min
Gulabi Gang, led by the energetic and charismatic Sampat Pal, an unusual group of rural women who fight for the rights of women and Dalits. The film follows them and shows how they encounter resistance, apathy and corruption, even ridicule during an investigation. Sometimes whole villages connive against them to protect the perpetrators of violence. The film pulls us into the center of these blazing conflicts and uncovers a complex story, disturbing yet heartening.
10/12(六)18:40 華山光點2廳★、10/19(六)12:30 華山光點1廳