evelyne axell-the venus of plastic-01  


《普普女王:依芙琳艾塞爾 Evelyne Axell—The Venus of Plastic》




2013|比利時Belgium|紀錄片 Documentary|Color, B&W|DigiBeta|73 min




她是美麗的女演員、第一位女性普普藝術家,也是藝術史上首位在自畫像中裸體現身的畫家。她畫風自由、解放又挑撥,是經典女性主義代表;然而在她逝世後三十餘年,作品才逐漸為國際藝壇所重視。師承超現實主義畫家勒內.馬格利特(René Magritte),她不留戀油彩,反而使用當年最時尚的壓克力、塑料、仿皮毛等作為媒材。本片帶領觀眾從依芙琳.艾塞爾早年的演藝工作開始,細數至她車禍逝世前最短暫精湛的七年畫家生涯。


Evelyne Axell (1935-1972), Belgian artist whose work was only lately recognized, after 30 years of oblivion, as also the first woman Pop-art painter. Feminist, provocative liberated and beautiful, she was the first in art history to represent herself naked. She abandoned traditional oil to use her time’s materials. The film follows the artist in her footsteps as an actress and painter, and through her short but intense seven-year career, which came to an abrupt end in a car crash.


10/13(日)15:00 華山光點2廳★、10/18(五)17:20 華山光點2廳





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