《真實之美:探索愛麗絲沃克 Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth》
普拉娣巴.帕碼Pratibha PARMAR
2013|美國USA|紀錄片Documentary|Color|BD|84 min
“《紫色姊妹花》的書迷們有福了!—The Hollywood Reporter”
The film depicts Alice Walker, the extraordinary woman's journey from her birth to her recognition as a key writer of the 20th Century. She made history as the first black woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for her groundbreaking novel, The Color Purple, which has been transformed to a Hollywood movie and Broadway musical. Praised and pilloried, Walker is a fearless pioneer whose voice has driven people to express joy as well as anger at the fault line of historical changes.
10/14(一)19:30 華山光點1廳★、10/18(五)11:30 華山光點1廳