《拭去眼淚 The Woman Who Brushed Off Her Tears》
提歐娜.米特威斯卡Teona Strugar MITEVSKA
2012|馬其頓、德國Macedonia & Germany|劇情片Fiction|Color|DCP|103 min
“最令人目不轉睛的開場!—Screen Daily”
The film makes use of fairy-tale elements to describe the tragedies of two families. In Paris, Helena’s son dies tragically. Desperate to compensate for her loss, she tries to make Lucian, a deportee, a part of her life. In Macedonia, Lucian’s lover Ajsun is struggling for her independence from being sold by her own father for having an illegitimate child. Both Ajsun and Helena must try to hold their own in a male-dominated world.
10/12(六)19:20 華山光點1廳、10/19(六)14:30 華山光點1廳★