被剝削的夢 It Happened Just Before
安雅・薩洛摩諾威茲Anja SALOMONOWITZ
It Happened Just Before examines the global phenomenon of trafficking in women and the mechanisms and power structures that make it possible in all social classes. Anja Salomonowitz has chosen an innovative approach to this theme: Her film is based on the stories of actual victims, and the director wrote a documentary screenplay on this basis. These stories are told not by actors, but by people who could have been involved in some way. They are a customs official, a villager, a bartender at a brothel, a diplomat and a taxi driver. A film about false promises, exploitation, guilt, violence and disappointment.
台北華山 1 廳 10/17(一)15:50 ★
台北華山 1 廳 10/20(四)13:20