
中非少女漂流記 Arlette. Courage is a Muscle.


弗羅里安・霍夫曼Florian HOFFMANN



2016 德國科隆女性影展女性攝影指導競賽大獎

2015 IDFA阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展




The film centers on Arlette, a 15-year old girl from the Central African Republic who suffered severe injuries during the last war. In Berlin a surgery frees her from her years-long pain. This changes her both physically and mentally: suddenly Arlette is in her puberty. But then war breaks out again in her homeland. What was planned to be a short stay in Berlin turns into a journey without a foreseeable end. Alrette is forced to grow up and take her own decisions about her future. Stranded in Berlin the young girl faces the challenges of a foreign culture and a language she doesn't speak.


台北華山 1 廳 10/14(五)15:30 ★◎

台北華山 1 廳 10/17(一)11:20    


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