

房間  La Chambre

香妲・艾克曼  Chantal AKERMAN

1972 │比利時、美國 Belgium/USA│劇情片 Fiction│Color│DCP│11min

鏡頭以極緩慢的速度360度旋轉帶出一個小公寓房間,偶瞥見一個孤獨的身影,香妲所飾演的主角正坐在床上回望著鏡頭。鏡頭持續緩慢旋轉,香妲似乎因此消失在幽閉窒人充滿雜物的空間,讓這部形式上深具實驗性的短片,變相成為一幅鬼魅自畫像。此部形式突破之作為香妲 在紐約拍攝的第一部作品。

A slow, circular pan across a small apartment is continuously repeated, with an occasional glimpse of a lone human figure: the filmmaker herself, staring impassively from her bed. The way she seems to disappear amid the claustrophobic clutter of her surroundings makes this early structuralist short a ghostly, unsettling self-portrait. This breakthrough formal experiment is the first film the director made in New York.

台北華山 1 廳 10/18(二)13:30

台北華山 1 廳 10/22(六)10:30


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