《女孩轉個彎 Kiss Me (With Every Heartbeat)》
亞莉山卓.肯寧Alexandra-Therese KEINING
2011|瑞典Sweden|劇情片Fiction|Color|BD|107 min
2011 AFI美國電影學會影展
“從開始到結尾都精彩可期。—Time Out England”
Love comes along at the most unexpected times, in the most unexpected ways. A kiss, a touch, can change everything. When Mia meets Frida, she is about to announce her engagement to Tim, so when Frida captures her attention it is quite a shock. To make matters more complicated, through their parents’ engagement, Mia and Frida are about to become stepsisters. In order to be with each other, Mia and Frida are set to struggle through heartbreaking challenges.
10/12(六)13:00 華山光點1廳、10/17(四)20:40 華山光點1廳★
10/20(日)12:40 華山光點1廳