《美麗撥紗 Mariposa》
哈米黛.穆茵法Hamideh MOEINFAR
2012|瑞典Sweden|紀錄片Documentary|Color|DigiBeta|14 min
The documentary combines with animation and real-shooting. Director Moeinfar talks about her haunting trauma from her compulsory self-covering past in Iran. Even she is in Sweden and has experienced life in the reveal; she can still finds the painful feeling she used to have. This documentary shows the opposite two viewpoints of “body-display” among muslin and westernized women.
10/13(日)10:30 華山光點2廳、10/19(六)19:00 華山光點2廳 (本片和《三十而「儷」》合併同場放映)