

榆樹與海鷗 Olmo and the Seagull


佩特拉・寇斯塔、麗亞・格勞 Petra COSTA, Lea GLOB

2015│丹麥、巴西、葡萄牙、法國、瑞典 Denmark/Brazil/Portugal/France/Sweden│紀錄片Documentary│Color│DCP│82min


2015 維也納國際電影節

2015 瑞士盧卡諾影展青年評審團獎最佳影片

2014 CPH:DOX哥本哈根紀錄片影展最佳北歐紀錄片獎


奧莉薇亞是一位性格不羈的舞台劇演員,正為飾演契訶夫《海鷗》中的阿卡汀娜的角色做準備,卻意外發現自己懷了男友塞吉的孩子 。原以為孩子與事業可以兼顧,但事與願違。而她對自由和成功的渴望,漸漸與懷孕的身體及體內的生命產生衝突。九個月的懷孕過程,讓她直視自己深層的內在恐懼,看見自己的雙重鏡像—既是老去的阿卡汀娜,也是《海鷗》中陷入瘋狂的妮娜。本片遊走於劇情片與紀錄片之間,由提姆・羅賓斯擔任製片。


Olmo and The Seagull is a mesmerizing film about Olivia, the stage actress of Theatre du Soleil and her partner Serge’s self-doubting and inner fear during the course of her pregnancy. Finding out the limits of her own body, Olivia senses that the thin line between reality and the roles they play is swiftly disappearing. Overlying the past and present she is challenged with a new life philosophy, delivering her true self.



台北華山 2 廳 10/15(六)21:50

台北華山 2 廳 10/22(六)18:00 ☆

台中日日新2A 10/22(六)16:40 ☆


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