
練習說再見 Frailer


米凱・德瓊Mijke DE JONG



2014 多倫多影展


女主角小鼠罹患肺癌,她在三位好友的陪伴下學習面對及迎接死亡。劇中角色真情流露,呈現強大的女性情誼,以及接納彼此個性差異的過程。本片擅長以手持鏡頭捕捉演員特寫、不使用特殊打光、不使用道具或加工的場景設計,頗有丹麥拉斯・馮・提爾所提倡的「逗馬宣言」(Dogme 95)的特色。其中演員半即興的演出方式,使本片成功跨越虛構/真實的界線,挑戰觀眾認知,引人入勝。


Mouse gathers her sisters Ted, Carlos and Lian around her when her lung cancer is stated as terminal. Between loving gestures and endearing attempts to make the most of life while it’s still there, rough edges of the sisters’ characters are uncovered. They deal with the upcoming death silently, painfully honest, together and alone. Frailer tries to grasp their journey by exploring the boundaries between fiction and reality. It captures the way we face death and shows the anguishing realness of an involuntary farewell.



台北華山 2 廳 10/15(六)17:00 ☆

台北華山 2 廳 10/17(一)13:00

台中日日新2A 10/21(五)16:50 ☆


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