

孤島程式  Island City

若綺卡・歐貝羅伊 Ruchika OBEROI


2015 威尼斯影展最佳新銳導演獎


In Mumbai, one event changes three different lives. A middle-aged man who wins the office ‘Fun Committee Award’, which entitles him to a whole day full of fun. A domineering father, Anil, is on life support. Seeking some relief, his family decides to buy a TV, which Anil had banned; now every night the family plugs into a popular soap whose hero is a man ideal in every way... Aarti, a girl with a repetitive factory job receives a mysterious love letter that changes everything... The film follows three comic-dramatic stories set in India, showing us a different story from Bollywood’s fancy style.


台北華山 1 10/17(一)18:40

台北華山 1 10/21(五)16:10


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