怒放玫瑰 Raging Rose
茱莉亞・科瓦斯基 Julia KOWALSKI
2015│法國、波蘭 France / Poland│劇情片 Fiction│Color│DCP│80min
2016 法國昂熱影展青年獎
2015 法國亞眠影展最佳女主角獎
2015 德國科特布斯影展特別獎
2015 坎城影展ACID單元世界首映
Jozef, a blue-collar Pole, arrives in France to work in construction, but also to find his son Roman, whom he abandoned 15 years earlier. His boss’s daughter, Rose, a teenager in the tumult of sexual awakening, offers to help him in his search. She ends up falling desperately in love with Roman. Their encounter has an unexpected impact on both their teenage lives.
台北華山 1 廳 10/15(六)15:10
台北華山 1 廳 10/18(二)20:50 ★