轟掉我的家鄉 Saute Ma Ville
香妲・艾克曼 Chantal AKERMAN
1968│比利時 Belgium│劇情片 Fiction │B&W│DCP│13min
郊區一座灰色建築裏,一位年輕女子回到家裏清潔廚房、吃飯、喝酒。這一切最後竟演變成一場毀滅性的災難,而她自始至終一直在哼唱著。香妲十八歲時便完成此部前衛大膽的短片處女作,片中自編自導自演一個在廚房處理家務事的年輕女子 。談及瀰漫虛無主義的影片高潮,香妲形容:「這部片是《珍妮德爾曼》中無奈順從的反面,講的是憤怒和死亡。」
In a suburban landscape of grey buildings, a young woman goes home, cleans the kitchen, eats, and drinks wine. Slowly, everything turns out to be a disaster while she is humming all along. Made when she was just 18 years old, Akerman’s incendiary debut short stars the director herself as a young woman performing domestic duties. Addressing the nihilism of the film’s explosive climax, Akerman described the film as “ The opposite of Jeanne Dielman: Jeanne, that was resignation. Here, it is rage and death. ”
台北華山 2 廳 10/16(日)20:40 ☆
台北華山 2 廳 10/20(四)13:00
台中日日新2A 10/20(四)21:40