紅絲帶女孩Corinne’s Secret
麥姬.孔維Maike CONWAY
2014︱德國Germany︱紀錄片 Documentary︱Color︱DCP︱85min
十七歲的柯琳在母親懷孕時受到垂直感染,尚未出生就是帕斯提(HIV Positive)。六歲時生母病逝後,她由養父母帶大。養父母深知社會大眾對於愛滋感染者的偏見和恐懼,決定保守這個祕密。活在暗櫃裡的柯琳即使深知出櫃風險,卻更渴望以最真實的自己與他人互動,出櫃的念頭也在她心中愈來愈強烈。導演花了十年的時間陪著柯琳一起長大,鏡頭下的第一手生命經驗讓我們瞭解愛滋兒,也打破我們充滿歧視的刻板印象。
Corinne is a lively 17-year-old student. She cannot wait to leave her Bavarian village and conquer the world. Corinne is HIV-positive, infected by her mother at birth. Her foster parents decided to keep her infection as a secret. Even today, AIDS is still associated with “difficult” milieus. However, Corinne is now ready to reveal her secret. Director Maike CONWAY has accompanied Corinne for more than ten years, revealing her struggles against the virus and for a normal life.
10/10(六)14:40 1廳
10/14(三)21:30 1廳★