6 《女人.牆》-01

《女人.牆 Women's Wall》

陳詩芸、藍文吟 Shin-Yun CHEN, Wen-Yin LAN
2013│台灣Taiwan│紀錄片Documentary│Color │DigiBeta│55min
◎ 2013華語大學生紀錄片觀摩影展觀眾票選獎
◎ 2014臺灣國際女性影展「光榮時刻:台灣競賽獎」入圍

女人到了一定的年齡,就會開始被關注何時結婚、何時生小孩等問題,彷彿女人天生就是為了成立家庭而存在。婚姻讓兩人世界衍伸到兩個家庭,而生育又是生命的另一項考驗,一道道隱形的牆,阻擋著每位女性原定的人生規劃,開始犧牲、妥協與奉獻?其實,阻礙自己的一直都不是這些無形的牆,而是自己不願改變的心。本片與《走浪人 The Farewell》同場放映。

Marriage and giving birth are sometimes regarded as the invisible walls impeding women from carrying out their original plans in life. As the film tells the stories of three women, each in their different phases of life, we see that it is not these challenges that stop them, but a heart not ready for change.


10/21(二)10:20  2廳
10/23(四)11:00  2廳 ☆


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