1 《談情不說愛》-01

《談情不說愛 What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love

莫莉.蘇亞 Mouly SURYA
印尼、美國Indonesia, USA│劇情片Fiction│Color│HDCam│106min


「結合敘事形式與超自然情節,導演莫莉.蘇亞出神入化地捕捉了眼盲青少年的良善與內在靈魂」──The Hollywood Reporter

Fitri, 20 years old and blind, is in love with a ghost doctor, who is deaf. If Fitri could see and Edo could hear, would their love survive? Fitri’s classmate Diana, a myopic, falls for Andhika, a new student who lost his eyesight in an accident. Diana thinks they are in love, without knowing Andhika’s feeling about his ex-girlfriend, Gadis.


10/18(六)18:00  1廳 ★ 影人面對面
10/21(二)21:20  1+2廳


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