《酷兒尋愛歷險記 Dating Sucks: A Genderqueer Misadventure》
森.伯林納 Sam BERLINER
◎ 2013 長島同志影展最佳跨性別短片
對於完成變性過程達到理想性別狀態的伯林納來說,約會之所以成為一件苦差事,不是因為找不到對象,而是因為不確定該如何在以性別為經、愛情為緯的版圖上,座落自我與他╱她人的相對位置。年輕的伯林納以輕快俏皮的動畫自拍方式,將跨性別議題從個人認同帶向欲望政治。愛情從來不只是愛情而已,在各種結構性認知的框限之下,幸福如何尋找?本片與《異女「拉」警報 Heterosexual Jill》同場放映。
Dating Sucks, while focusing on a sub-sub culture, is universally relatable because at its heart it is a search for love and oneself. By recognizing our similarities, Sam’s hope is that all people can find common ground for acceptance and understanding for the trans, genderqueer, androgynous, and gender-fluid folks.
10/21(二)16:40 2廳
10/24(五)21:00 1+2廳 ★