9 《樹人》-01

《樹人 Treeman》

王盈今 Claire Ying-Chin WANG
2013│美國、台灣USA, Taiwan│劇情片Fiction│Color│Blu-ray│15min
◎ 2012 荷蘭 CineKid 國際兒童影展
◎ 2013 加拿大國際電影節皇家捲軸獎
◎ 2014 臺灣國際女性影展「光榮時刻:台灣競賽獎」入圍

一個一生都不成功的演員與他的妻子同住。好不容易透過他最好的朋友介紹,接演到《等待果陀》裡面生命樹的角色,他以為他這次可以大顯身手,沒想到卻被導演開除。儘管如此,他的朋友還是支持他。他回家試圖取悅妻子找尋安慰卻被拒絕。當晚,他做了一個夢,夢醒後他跑出家門…本片與《山靈 Mountain Spirits》同場放映。

Colin, an unsuccessful actor in his late 40s, lives with his wife. He has got a chance to act as a tree in a play and believes he can impress the director this time. Yet his performance is not good enough, and since then he is on a downward spiral… 


10/20(一)12:40  1廳 ☆ 
10/24(五)10:30  1廳 


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