
《我的嬉皮老媽 Jackie》

安東妮.貝瑪 Antoinette BEUMER
2012│荷蘭、美國 Netherlands, USA│劇情片Fiction│Color│DigiBeta│100min

◎ 2013德國科隆女性影展觀眾票選獎


* 奧斯卡影后荷莉.杭特與荷蘭影后卡莉絲范荷登及戲外親生妹妹耶卡范荷登三人在州際公路上飆戲,精彩絕倫。

Twin sisters, Sofie and Daan, have been raised by their two fathers. When they receive an unexpected phone call from their hitherto unknown biological mother, Jackie, in the US, they embark on an amazing adventure that alters their assumptions about everything that they once believed to be true. The trip with the strange and ill adjusted Jackie will change Sofie’s and Daan’s life for good. 


10/18(六)13:20  1+2廳
10/26(日)15:40  1+2廳 


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