《印度之歌 India Song》
瑪格麗特.莒哈絲 Marguerite DURAS
1975|法國France|劇情片Fiction|Color|35mm|118 min
1975 坎城影展
1976 凱薩獎最佳女主角提名
2006 第13屆女性影展
“莒哈絲最優秀的作品之一。—Chicago Reader”
莒哈絲出生於法屬印度支那(越南),這段童年經驗是她生命最底層的記憶,也成就了著名的「印度系列(Le cycle Indian)」:《勞兒之劫》(1964)、《副領事》(1965)、《愛》(1973)和《恆河女子》(1973)……本片改編自當中唯一劇本《印度之歌》,以一位女性影像搭配四位女子聲音,構築出綿密的混聲交響詩,交相敘述有時殘缺,有時重複;有時如夢囈,有時嘶喊,有時又如吟頌。通過四個聲部,真實在不斷的敘述中重組、過濾、修正……到處充斥著辯證與分裂。
It is a love story, in the Indies, during the 30s, in an overpopulated town located on the Ganges’ verges. It is the monsoon season. Two days of this story are evocated. Faceless voices speak about this story. They remember it more or less. Based on the only script in her Le cycle Indian series, India Song is a great example of Duras’ reworking of the traditional relationship between sound and image.
10/15(二)11:30 華山光點1廳☆
10/19(六)21:30 華山光點 1廳